The Industrial/Organizational Psychology Association of Colorado (IOPAC) is the I/O graduate student organization at Colorado State University.
Our Mission is To:
1. To promote professional development and growth within the field of I/O psychology.
2. To provide an arena for students in CSU’s graduate program to voice their ideas and concerns.

IOPAC coordinates many of the program’s events, such as the Fall banquet, Fall picnic, recruitment weekend, Spring potluck, and CSU’s suite at SIOP every year. Each Spring, we also publish a newsletter for our valued alumni and friends of the program.
IOPAC is proud to have helped launch a mentoring program for psychology undergraduates at CSU. Beginning in the Fall of 2013, Mentoring Undergrads to Graduate School Success or MUGSS has been helping students interested in psychology prepare for a graduate education in the field. The goal of this program is to foster growth within the field of I/O psychology by helping undergrads become competitive applicants to I/O graduate programs. MUGSS matches current CSU psychology graduate students with undergraduates who aspire to attend graduate programs. In addition to this invaluable one-on-one support, MUGSS mentors will also deliver a variety of department-wide workshops which will cover the basics of the graduate school application process.
IOPAC Goals:
1. To promote student development and the CSU brand.
- IOPAC will support student research by funding projects when possible and appropriate, and by providing a space and audience to practice presenting research. IOPAC and program money will be allocated in ways that further the goals of the program.
- IOPAC members will be encouraged to submit papers, posters, and other presentations to SIOP and other relevant conferences.

2. To create a forum for safe discussion and collegiality among students.
- IOPAC will provide a forum for students to share ideas, information, and resources as well as voice their opinions.
- IOPAC will foster an environment where students can support one another personally and professionally.
- IOPAC presidents and faculty liaisons will facilitate open communication and understanding between students and faculty.

3. To encourage and foster community involvement within the I/O psychology, CSU, and Fort Collins communities.
- IOPAC will provide opportunities to volunteer in each of these communities.
- IOPAC will reach out to undergraduates, specifically those involved in the I/O concentration.
- IOPAC will encourage students to connect with CSU business school.
- IOPAC will help students network and connect CSU alumni and other I/O professionals, for example, at the annual SIOP suite.